You are using ice cream freezer to freeze your ice cream mixture that you will serve for your customers. While machines are strong, these develop problems like any units in a commercial property. Here are some of the common problems that are noted by professionals specializing ice cream freezer repair:
Power Problems with Ice Cream Freezers
If there is no power reaching the unit, you must check the power source for you to confirm if there’s really power. If there isn’t power, check whether the fuse is functioning or not. In addition to that, check the power cord and replace this once damaged. If everything’s working properly, yet your unit is not working, contact the best provider of commercial kitchen appliance service to inspect your ice cream freezer.
Ice Cream Freezer Has Problems with Light
If the light of the unit is not coming on once you turn on your unit, you must consider checking the lamp socket and lamp if it is corroded or open. If it’s corroded, you have to replace it.
Ice Cream Freezer Has Issues with the Freezing or Cooling System
You must start looking at the thermostat and see if it’s set at the right temperature. If it’s very low, adjust this high. Moreover, if high, adjust this to low setting. You must also check the compressor and if it’s producing bee-like sounds, try replacing the coil. If everything’s working properly, check the condenser, fans, and evaporator coils. There are times that these are surrounded by debris and dust that cause them to be faulty. According to professionals who do commercial freezer repair, the cooling problems of ice cream freezers are contributed by leakages. As the golden rule, seal the leakages particularly around the doors.
Self-defrosting Mechanism of Ice Cream Freezers
All modern freezers are made to defrost themselves as they have inbuilt mechanisms, which melt the excess frost that appears around them. It keeps them clean. Because of the dust or old age, the ice cream freezers may develop problems with self-defrost system. To avoid problems, you must clean the unit for you to keep it safe from the germs and dust.
Should You Hire Professionals?
Those are just some of the problems common in ice cream freezers. Several issues are complex therefore require you to hire commercial kitchen appliance repair alexandria specialist. Some problems may be simple and can be repaired without the help of professionals. However, lots of reports have been made of ice cream freezers failing to work because of overstocking. Before you consider consulting a repair contractor, check first the full capacity of ice cream freezers. If this is very full, consider emptying it and check if this will work efficiently on a continuous manner. Also, when looking for a specialist, make sure that he is known for his reputation and reliability in the market for you to get the best results and save your hard earned money in many years to come.